Kandahar Postal Codes, Kandahar, Afghanistan

Afghanistan, Kandahar, Kandahar postal codes are located here. Afghanistan Kandahar Kandahar zip codes can be accessed by clicking each region.

Kandahar Postal Codes for Places

  • Abdul Qudos Kalay3801
  • Abdul Wahab Kalacha3801
  • Achakzay3801
  • Achikzay Qalacha3801
  • Agha Mohammad Karaizi3801
  • Ambar Karaiz3801
  • Anguryan3801
  • Bala Dahi3801
  • Baluchanu Qalacha3801
  • Bibi Hawa Kalacha3801
  • Chaplani3801
  • Char Bagh3801
  • Char Dahana3801
  • China Saduzayi3801
  • Dahi Ghulaman3801
  • Dahi Now3801
  • Dih Bagh3801
  • Dih Rajab3801
  • Family Miydan Hawayi3801
  • Fazil Karaiz3801
  • Ghani Qalacha3801
  • Ghara Kalay3801
  • Gul Mohammad Qalacha3801
  • Gulistan Kalay3801
  • Gurgan3801
  • Haji Abdul Rahman Karaiz3801
  • Haji Mohammad Khan Kalacha3801
  • Haq Dad Kalay3801
  • Hawaz Kalay3801
  • Hendo Kalacha3801
  • Himarat3801
  • Hindu Bagh3801
  • Ismahil Karaiz3801
  • Ismahil Khan Qalacha3801
  • Jabar Kalay3801
  • Jamran3801
  • Janan Kalay3801
  • Kalacha Abad3801
  • Kalantar Haji Mawaladad3801
  • Karz3801
  • Kashano Kalacha3801
  • Khowja Ali Baba3801
  • Khudani3801
  • Khush Ab3801
  • Kobi3801
  • Kocheni Bala Dahi3801
  • Kochni Karaiz3801
  • Landay Karaiz3801
  • Luwy Karaiz3801
  • Machu3801
  • Mahbub Kalacha3801
  • Mahi Ghar3801
  • Mahruf Karaiz3801
  • Malik Isahqzay3801
  • Mansur Kalay3801
  • Mard Qala3801
  • Mashur3801
  • Miru Gul Kalay3801
  • Misi Zay3801
  • Miyan Joy Qasim Khan3801
  • Miyan Rudi3801
  • Miyanji3801
  • Mohammad Ghaws Fathi Ullah Khan3801
  • Mullah Abdullah3801
  • Mullah Kuchi3801
  • Munara3801
  • Muqam Kalay3801
  • Mushki Zay3801
  • Nakudak3801
  • Namad Shafa3801
  • Nawi Baluch Kalacha3801
  • Niko Karaiz3801
  • Now Dih3801
  • Pair Paimal3801
  • Pul Qasim3801
  • Qalacha Wa Bibi3801
  • Qazi Karaiz3801
  • Rambasi3801
  • Rawani3801
  • Rowrobata3801
  • Sabzi Kar3801
  • Sadatu Kalay3801
  • Salu Kalay3801
  • Sayyid Harif Kalacha3801
  • Shah Ghasi3801
  • Shaikh Mohammadi3801
  • Shair Surkh Baba3801
  • Shamshir Karaiz3801
  • Sira Kalacha3801
  • Soup Chaman3801
  • Timur Kalay3801
  • Timur Qalacha3801
  • Timuryan3801
  • Utman Zay3801
  • Walkan3801
  • Yar Mohammad China3801
  • Your Zay3801
  • Zakri Sharif3801
  • Zor Salu3801

Kandahar Postal Codes MAP

Zip codes for Kandahar, Kandahar, Afghanistan can be seen on the map. All postcodes of Afghanistan, Kandahar, Kandahar can be viewed under each region.

How to find Kandahar Postal Code?

Easily find Afghanistan, Kandahar, Kandahar postal codes or Afghanistan, Kandahar, Kandahar zip codes by following the steps. Places such as Abdul Qudos Kalay, Abdul Wahab Kalacha, Achakzay, Achikzay Qalacha, Agha Mohammad Karaizi, Ambar Karaiz are categorized as a list. Click on the places in which the sub administrative section you want to find the postal code is. On the next page, continue by clicking similarly on the sub-administrative places.

To deliver mail to addresses, each places department uses a postal code. These services are generally provided by the post offices in those regions. If your shipment is cargo, there are different institutions that also provide this transfer. Click on the field you are looking for to find the correct postcode for the address in Kandahar, Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Each places uses a postal code to deliver mail to addresses. This service is usually provided by the post offices in that area. If your shipment is a cargo, there are institutions that provide this transfer. Click on the area you are looking to find the correct postcode for the address in Kandahar, Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Kandahar Postal Codes in April 2024

Kandahar Postal Codes query results on postzipcode are up-to-date. The website is constantly kept up-to-date and accurate information is reflected to the visitor. What to do for Kandahar postal code inquiry in April 2024 is quite simple. Select Kandahar from the postzipcode.com places pages and proceed by selecting the places you want to learn the Kandahar zip code for. By following this step, you have the opportunity to learn the postal codes of all places in Kandahar.

Kandahar Postal Codes Query

The postal code is the number that meets our needs such as a letter, cargo, invoice and so on, which we will send to a certain address, for example, to Kandahar. In Kandahar, the zip codes of each places are different from each other, this is also true for other provinces. In general, postal codes for Afghanistan consist of several digits or letters. In cargos sent to Kandahar address, shipments sent with the postal code added to the address sections reach the address more quickly and accurately.

The Kandahar zip code, which plays a leading role in regulating the postal traffic, is used regularly with the Kandahar postal code operation. A letter sent to a certain address in Kandahar is also considered as the order of steps required in cargo and invoices.

One of the biggest reasons why there are postal codes like Kandahar is that the mails sent correctly reach the specified addresses. It is not even sincere that there is address confusion in the shipments that do not use the recipient's postcode. The reason for this is that the places at the address of Kandahar has the same name in different provinces or districts. It is not possible to see Samsun postcode in a different province or district, so it is impossible to mix postal codes.

Postal codes are not only used to send to the right address in Kandahar, another reason is that they help to separate the mails given to the cargo according to the shipping destinations. This prevents the loss of both time and manpower.

If you want to send to someone you know or someone else at Kandahar address, you have the opportunity to quickly and accurately query Kandahar Postal Code transactions via our website. Kandahar Postal Code results found on our website exactly match with the relevant post office system. The reason why this is the case is that we present you the most accurate information from its source.

In the current period, only cargo, mail and invoices are no longer sent with postal codes. While signing up for many websites, a zip code is required in the address section, including social media sites.

There are 99 places in total in Kandahar. Kandahar places are Abdul Qudos Kalay, Abdul Wahab Kalacha, Achakzay, Achikzay Qalacha, Agha Mohammad Karaizi, Ambar Karaiz, Anguryan, Bala Dahi, Baluchanu Qalacha, Bibi Hawa Kalacha, Chaplani, Char Bagh, Char Dahana, China Saduzayi, Dahi Ghulaman, Dahi Now, Dih Bagh, Dih Rajab, Family Miydan Hawayi, Fazil Karaiz, Ghani Qalacha, Ghara Kalay, Gul Mohammad Qalacha, Gulistan Kalay, Gurgan, Haji Abdul Rahman Karaiz, Haji Mohammad Khan Kalacha, Haq Dad Kalay, Hawaz Kalay, Hendo Kalacha, Himarat, Hindu Bagh, Ismahil Karaiz, Ismahil Khan Qalacha, Jabar Kalay, Jamran, Janan Kalay, Kalacha Abad, Kalantar Haji Mawaladad, Karz, Kashano Kalacha, Khowja Ali Baba, Khudani, Khush Ab, Kobi, Kocheni Bala Dahi, Kochni Karaiz, Landay Karaiz, Luwy Karaiz, Machu, Mahbub Kalacha, Mahi Ghar, Mahruf Karaiz, Malik Isahqzay, Mansur Kalay, Mard Qala, Mashur, Miru Gul Kalay, Misi Zay, Miyan Joy Qasim Khan, Miyan Rudi, Miyanji, Mohammad Ghaws Fathi Ullah Khan, Mullah Abdullah, Mullah Kuchi, Munara, Muqam Kalay, Mushki Zay, Nakudak, Namad Shafa, Nawi Baluch Kalacha, Niko Karaiz, Now Dih, Pair Paimal, Pul Qasim, Qalacha Wa Bibi, Qazi Karaiz, Rambasi, Rawani, Rowrobata, Sabzi Kar, Sadatu Kalay, Salu Kalay, Sayyid Harif Kalacha, Shah Ghasi, Shaikh Mohammadi, Shair Surkh Baba, Shamshir Karaiz, Sira Kalacha, Soup Chaman, Timur Kalay, Timur Qalacha, Timuryan, Utman Zay, Walkan, Yar Mohammad China, Your Zay, Zakri Sharif, Zor Salu. Postal code inquiries of all these places can be easily provided.

Postal codes are not just a system used in Kandahar, they are used throughout Afghanistan. Each of the World Countries has different postal code address types. In some countries, postal codes with a mixture of letters and numbers can be seen. The main purpose of using the postal code is to prevent confusion and to save time. Postal codes can be seen as part of addresses.

FAQ for Kandahar Postal Codes

What is Kandahar postal code or Kandahar zip code?
Kandahar such as Abdul Qudos Kalay, Abdul Wahab Kalacha, Achakzay, Achikzay Qalacha, Agha Mohammad Karaizi, Ambar Karaiz are categorized as a list. Kandahar postal codes start with 3801 and finish with 3801. By going to the postal code list of places, the searched zip code can be found.
Does Kandahar have postal codes?
Yes, it uses postcodes in Kandahar. Kandahar postal codes consist of 4 characters.
Is Kandahar capital city of Afghanistan?
No Kandahar is not capital city of Afghanistan.
Is Kandahar a districts?
Kandahar is districts. Kandahar is located in Kandahar.
How many places are there in Kandahar?
There are 99 places in Kandahar. These are the 99 places of Kandahar in alphabetical order: Abdul Qudos Kalay, Abdul Wahab Kalacha, Achakzay, Achikzay Qalacha, Agha Mohammad Karaizi, Ambar Karaiz, Anguryan, Bala Dahi, Baluchanu Qalacha, Bibi Hawa Kalacha, Chaplani, Char Bagh, Char Dahana, China Saduzayi, Dahi Ghulaman, Dahi Now, Dih Bagh, Dih Rajab, Family Miydan Hawayi, Fazil Karaiz, Ghani Qalacha, Ghara Kalay, Gul Mohammad Qalacha, Gulistan Kalay, Gurgan, Haji Abdul Rahman Karaiz, Haji Mohammad Khan Kalacha, Haq Dad Kalay, Hawaz Kalay, Hendo Kalacha, Himarat, Hindu Bagh, Ismahil Karaiz, Ismahil Khan Qalacha, Jabar Kalay, Jamran, Janan Kalay, Kalacha Abad, Kalantar Haji Mawaladad, Karz, Kashano Kalacha, Khowja Ali Baba, Khudani, Khush Ab, Kobi, Kocheni Bala Dahi, Kochni Karaiz, Landay Karaiz, Luwy Karaiz, Machu, Mahbub Kalacha, Mahi Ghar, Mahruf Karaiz, Malik Isahqzay, Mansur Kalay, Mard Qala, Mashur, Miru Gul Kalay, Misi Zay, Miyan Joy Qasim Khan, Miyan Rudi, Miyanji, Mohammad Ghaws Fathi Ullah Khan, Mullah Abdullah, Mullah Kuchi, Munara, Muqam Kalay, Mushki Zay, Nakudak, Namad Shafa, Nawi Baluch Kalacha, Niko Karaiz, Now Dih, Pair Paimal, Pul Qasim, Qalacha Wa Bibi, Qazi Karaiz, Rambasi, Rawani, Rowrobata, Sabzi Kar, Sadatu Kalay, Salu Kalay, Sayyid Harif Kalacha, Shah Ghasi, Shaikh Mohammadi, Shair Surkh Baba, Shamshir Karaiz, Sira Kalacha, Soup Chaman, Timur Kalay, Timur Qalacha, Timuryan, Utman Zay, Walkan, Yar Mohammad China, Your Zay, Zakri Sharif, Zor Salu.
What is the code of Kandahar?
Kandahar HESC code is AF.KD.KA.